Please register here: 

1. Please fill in the registration form.
2. You get a confirmation mail with the invoice.

Register for ICERA 2024


50,00 €
32800 CFA


80,00 €
52500 CFA


80,00 €
52500 CFA


120,00 €
78800 CFA


ICERA is able to re-imburse the travel costs (according to the University of Rostock’s travel regulations) for a few selected speakers, depending on availability of funds. If you are unable to cover your travel costs to ICERA 2024, please send us a message with your abstract until June 30th 2024. You will be informed about the decision until July 15th 2024.

University Rostock
Waste- and Resource Management
Professorship Material- and Energetic Valorisation

Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 6
Rostock 18059, DE